Monday, March 10, 2014

Personal Motivation

Personal motivation is something I definitely struggle with when it comes to working out and eating healthy. This is where Ashlan and I are totally different. She always is working out and eating healthy and that is totally not me at all! I thought March was the month where I would get on a meal plan and start working out to get ready for the summer. I even joined a gym thinking I would go three days a week; that never happened! When it came to the meal plan, I didn't even last a week. Having a meal plan to me, is just too much work with counting the calories and  its expensive when it comes to buying healthy foods. After my short lived trial of having a meal plan,  I thought I would just stick to this: shake for breakfast, a healthy snack, a pre-made lunch, another healthy snack, and for dinner I will just eat whatever my mother makes for dinner that night. Since I will not be on a full plan  anymore, I decided I will try my hardest to stick to working out. I will make another post on how it goes soon. maybe Ashlan will update you guys on what's going on with her. I am the type of person that usually only stays motivated for a week tops.  Anyways, that was just some background information on how I got to where I am now. 


OK, so if you struggle with motivation like me, I highly recommend you make a Motivation Board.  I got this idea from Blogilates- this was her "task" for everyone to complete for the month of February. You should check Blogilates out. Casey creates monthly workout and means plan, but I will warn you, they are very intense workouts. Anyways, you can get pictures from fitness magazines or Pinterest that inspire you. 

 Here are some pictures that motivate me to loose weight. I think there is nothing sexier than a woman showing off her body in a killer outfit. I am not telling you or suggesting at all that you exploit your body in any shape or form!

Even though I am not the girl to show my stomach like these pictures, I still like how they are showing off their awesome body. This motivates me to say I want to my body to look like that! 
Rihanna is a great example of what I mean. She has a banging body and knows how to work it! 

What I recommend  you doing is actually buying all new swimsuits for your vacation this year. This will motivate you to make sure you look great to show them off. I won't be going to the beach until June, so I have a couple of months to try to get my body the way I want it.  

Leave me a comment below of what motivates you! Make sure to follow Ashlan and I here on The A-Team: You can subscribe or sign up to get emails every time we post and don't forget to find us on Instagram as well!

Talk to Y'all Later :)

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